teen manhua

Teen Manhua Spotlight: Unveiling the Top 20 Teen Manhua Series

Introduction to Teen Manhua Series

Manhua, the Chinese form of comics and graphic novels, has a rich history and cultural significance. Originating in China, Manhua spans various genres and styles, reflecting the country’s artistic diversity. Over the years, Manhua has gained immense popularity, not just in China but globally, appealing particularly to young readers. This surge in popularity can be attributed to its engaging storytelling, unique art styles, and themes that resonate with a younger audience.

Top 20 Teen Manhua Series

This section presents a curated list of the top 20 Manhua series that are particularly popular among teenage readers. Each series is selected based on its thematic richness, appeal to teen sensibilities, and overall popularity. From epic fantasies to heartwarming slice-of-life tales, these series offer a glimpse into the diverse world of Manhua teen comics.

1. Apotheosis: Fantasy Adventure with Themes of Power and Redemption

Apotheosis manhua

Luo Zheng, born into wealth but reduced to slavery, seeks to overcome adversity and rescue his sister using a secret divine technique left by his father, giving him immense power.

2. Heaven Officialโ€™s Blessing: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, and Romance

Heaven Officialโ€™s Blessing manhua

The story of Xie Lian, a demoted prince-turned-god, who, accompanied by the mysterious Ghost King, embarks on an adventure filled with secrets and dangers.

3. Here U Are: Drama, Romance, and Slice-of-Life

Here U Are manhua

Focuses on Yu Yang and Li Huan, who navigate misunderstandings, personal growth, and an evolving connection, despite their opposite personalities.

4. 19 Tian: Comedic Adventures

19 Tian manhua

Follows the story of four school friends in various hilarious situations, offering a light-hearted read.

5. Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Action-Packed Adventurous Comedy

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation manhua

Wei Wuxian, reborn after a bloody death, embarks on a journey with Lan Wangji, tackling monsters and mysteries while developing feelings for each other.

6. Nan Hao Shang Feng: High School Comedy

Nan Hao Shang Feng manhua

A comedic story following two high school boys and their humorous interactions and escapades.

7. SQ: Begin W/Your Name!: Light-Hearted Romance and Slice-of-Life

 SQ: Begin W/Your Name! manhua

About Qui Tong and Sin Jingโ€™s evolving relationship, full of subplots and holiday specials.

8. 10 Years That I Loved You the Most: Emotional Romance

10 Years That I Loved You the Most manhua

Centers on a teen boy who leaves his love upon discovering he has cancer, to avoid being a burden.

9. Soulmate: Comedy, Drama, and Romance with a Body-Swapping Twist

Soulmate manhua

Qi wakes up in her 17-year-old self’s body, facing the challenge of altering the future and saving her terminally ill girlfriend.

10. Salad Days: Determination and Friendship

Salad Days manhua

Explores the life of “The Little Swan” Shen, a ballet aspirant, and Jinyi, a boxing enthusiast, supporting each otherโ€™s ambitions.

11. The Long Ballad: Action, Adventure, and Drama

The Long Ballad manhua

Set during the Tang Dynasty, it follows a female protagonist seeking revenge against a powerful man.

12. The Devil Butler: Isekai Story of Power Struggles and Vengeance

The Devil Butler manhua

Yifan Zhuo, a reincarnated Demon King who aims to regain his place and take revenge, navigating power struggles as a servant boy.

13. Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess!: Unique Isekai with a Twist

Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess! manhua

Yifang gets transported into an otome game as a villainess, leading to awkward and funny situations with the main character who enjoys the bullying.

14. The Ravages of Time: Historic Action and Drama

The Ravages of Time manhua

Set during the Three Kingdoms period, this historical action Manhua revolves around legendary figures like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, exploring loyalty and betrayal.

15. Starting With a Lie: Comedy About Pretend Dating

Starting With a Lie manhua

A comedic tale of two friends, Tang Tang and Chen Qingey, who pretend to be dating to avoid unwanted confessions, leading to unexpected feelings and complications.

16. Papa Wolf and The Puppy: Heartwarming Comedy and Slice-of-Life

Papa Wolf and The Puppy manhua

Depicts the father-son-like relationship between a wolf and a puppy, highlighting their daily struggles and adventures.

17. Tales of Demons and Gods: Action-Adventure with a Touch of Romance

Tales of Demons and Gods manhua

Nie Li, once the strongest demon spiritist, is reborn into his younger self and rises to protect his city and loved ones with his past knowledge and experience.

18. Feng Shen Ji: Mythological Epic and Fantasy

Feng Shen Ji manhua

A visually stunning Manhua blending Chinese mythology with fantasy, depicting the fall of the Shang dynasty and the rise of the Zhou dynasty through the saga of Wu Geng.

19. Dou Po Cang Qiong (Battle Through the Heavens): Chinese Fantasy with Cultivation Themes

 Dou Po Cang Qiong (Battle Through the Heavens) manhua

Xiao Yan, abandoned by his clan, rises to become a strong cultivator in a world where cultivators gain supernatural abilities to fight demons and monsters.

20. The Kingโ€™s Avatar: Competitive Online Gaming and Fantasy

The Kingโ€™s Avatar manhua

Ye Xiu, a legendary player of โ€œGlory,โ€ returns under a new identity to reclaim his title, exploring themes like loyalty and redemption.

These Manhua series offer a diverse range of themes and stories, making them captivating reads for young audiences.

Exploring Themes and Trends in Modern Manhua

Manhua, like its counterparts in other cultures, has evolved significantly over the years, mirroring the societal changes and technological advancements in China and beyond. This evolution has led to the emergence of new themes and trends that resonate with modern readers, particularly teenagers. Hereโ€™s an exploration of some key themes and trends in modern Manhua:

Embracing Contemporary Issues

Modern Manhua increasingly addresses contemporary social issues such as mental health, environmental concerns, and social justice. These stories provide a platform for awareness and discussion among young readers, often presenting complex issues in an accessible and engaging manner. By reflecting real-world challenges, Manhua becomes more than just entertainment; it becomes a medium for enlightenment and social commentary.

Technological Influence on Storytelling

The digital era has profoundly impacted Manhua, both in terms of creation and distribution. The rise of webcomics and digital platforms has made Manhua more accessible to a global audience. Additionally, the integration of technology in storytelling โ€“ such as virtual reality, advanced robotics, and AI โ€“ is a growing trend. These elements not only add a layer of excitement and novelty but also encourage readers to ponder the implications of technology in their lives.

Diversity and Representation

There’s a growing emphasis on diversity in Manhua, with stories featuring characters from various backgrounds, ethnicities, and identities. This shift towards inclusivity reflects a broader cultural movement toward representation in media. Manhua now often includes characters with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and cultural backgrounds, offering a more comprehensive view of the world to young readers.

Blending Genres for a New Experience

Modern Manhua is known for its genre-blending, where traditional elements of fantasy and adventure are mixed with romance, mystery, or sci-fi. This creative amalgamation leads to unique and unpredictable storylines, appealing to a generation of readers who appreciate complexity and innovation in narratives.

Revival of Historical and Cultural Themes

There is a noticeable trend in reviving historical and cultural themes in Manhua. This resurgence not only educates young readers about China’s rich history and culture but also instills a sense of pride and identity. By weaving historical events and cultural elements into compelling stories, Manhua serves as a bridge between the past and the present.

Focus on Character Development

Modern Manhua places significant emphasis on character development, exploring the psychological and emotional depths of characters. This focus leads to more relatable and multi-dimensional characters, allowing readers to form deeper connections with the stories. The exploration of personal growth, relationships, and moral dilemmas adds a layer of depth to these narratives.

Global Influence and Cross-Cultural Collaborations

The increasing global reach of Manhua has led to cross-cultural collaborations and influences. These international exchanges not only expand the horizons of Manhua but also introduce global readers to Chinese storytelling styles and themes, fostering a cross-cultural understanding.

In summary, modern Manhua reflects a dynamic blend of tradition and modernity, addressing contemporary issues while staying true to its cultural roots. Its evolution is a testament to the adaptability and creativity of its creators, offering a rich and diverse reading experience to the youth of today.


The listed Manhua series offer a rich tapestry of stories that range from fantastical adventures to realistic narratives. Their growing popularity underscores the global appeal of these Chinese comics. Each series on this list offers unique insights and experiences, encouraging young readers to explore the diverse and imaginative world of Manhua. Whether itโ€™s for entertainment, cultural understanding, or artistic appreciation, these Manhua series are a testament to the creativity and storytelling prowess of their creators.


What is Manhua?

Manhua refers to Chinese comics and graphic novels. Originating in China, Manhua can encompass a wide range of genres and artistic styles, and it’s a popular form of entertainment and storytelling in Chinese culture.

How does Manhua differ from Manga?

While both Manhua (Chinese comics) and Manga (Japanese comics) are forms of Asian graphic novels, they differ in their cultural contexts, art styles, storytelling techniques, and language. Manga tends to have a distinct Japanese aesthetic and themes, while Manhua is rooted in Chinese culture and traditions.

Manhua vs Manhwa: What’s the Difference?

Manhua and Manhwa, though similar in concept, originate from different countries – Manhua is Chinese, while Manhwa is Korean. The primary differences lie in their cultural influences, art styles, and storytelling methods. Manhwa often incorporates Korean settings, culture, and characters, and is read from left to right, unlike Manhua, which follows the traditional right-to-left format like Manga.

Who are the target readers for Manhua?

Manhua caters to a wide range of audiences, with content varying from children’s stories to more adult themes. However, many Manhua series are particularly popular among teenagers due to their vibrant art, engaging narratives, and exploration of themes relevant to young adults.

Where can I read Manhua?

Manhua can be read on various digital platforms and websites dedicated to comics. Some popular Manhua series are also available in print form. Blibli Comics is similar to Webtoon.

Are there English translations available for Manhua?

Yes, many Manhua series are available in English translations. The growing global interest in Manhua has led to an increase in the availability of translated versions, making them accessible to a broader audience.

Can Manhua help in learning Chinese culture?

Absolutely! Manhua often incorporates elements of Chinese history, folklore, and societal norms, making it a fun and engaging way to learn about Chinese culture and traditions.

How often are new chapters of Manhua released?

The release frequency of Manhua chapters can vary. Some are released weekly or monthly, while others might have a different schedule. It often depends on the publication platform and the creators.

Are there any Manhua adaptations into other media?

Yes, several popular Manhua have been adapted into other forms of media, including animated series (donghua), live-action movies, and TV shows. These adaptations further increase the popularity and reach of the original Manhua stories.

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